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'Continuous'에 해당되는 글 244

  1. 2009.02.15| | fear of studying 1
Continuous 2009. 2. 15. 06:31

fear of studying

when i was a freshman, i wasnt afraid of anything, if it was related to studying. now, while i become a senior, studying is another name of fear.moreover, there exist lots of stuff i should handle w/ no answer now like 2yr life plan until graduating and getting admission, as well as unsolving difficult math and econ problem due of which are just tmr. my night goes w/ the sound of lowering my grades.
ANYWAY! HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3: Senior Year in KOREA?? will It be really RELEASED?? i thought that kinda happening never occurs. but, welcome. plz stay just one week on screen though i saw already-i know highteen movie enduring one week will be hard even it's only one week.

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